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    Monday, November 12, 2018

    DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended the Government of Assam Office of the Director of Elementary Education, Assam Kahilipara, Guwahati – 19 Addendum to Advertisement: (A) Published Vide No. EAA/SIU/125/2018/22 Dated 11/03/2018 and Advertisement, (B) Published Vide No. EAA/SIU/125/2018/31 Dated 11/03/2018

    Date Extended Details – DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Job Apply Date Extended: 

    In Pursuance of the approval of elementary education department, Govt. of Assam, communicated vide letter no. PMA 160/2018/171 dated 26/10/2018 and in compliance of the order of Honorable Gauhati High Court, Dated 24/08/2018 passed in WP(C) No. 2280/2018 and in partial modification of the Advertisement - (A) Published vide no. EAA/SIU/125/2018/22 Dated 11/03/2018 and Advertisement (B) Published vide No.: EAA/SIU/125/2018/31 Dated 11/03/2018 and in pursuance of letter No.: PMA. 448/2011/165 Dated 17/04/2018 of Elementary Education Department, Govt. of Assam and Office Memorandums of Department of Personnel (B), Govt. of Assam, communication vide Memo No. ABP.6/2016/8-A Dated 18/04/2018 and Memo No. ABP.6/2016/9-A Dated 25/04/2018 and Notification No EEG.32/2016/12 Dated 21st May 2018 of Finance (Esstt.-A) Department, Govt. of Assam, the following changes have been made:

    DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    The “B.A. /B.Sc.” mentioned in the Advertisement-B (UP School) vide No. EAA/SIU/125/2018/31 Dated 11/03/2018 may be read as “Graduate” except for the post of a science teacher. The minimum qualification in respect of the science teacher will remain the same as mentioned in the earlier advertisement.

    The following district-wise vacancies of regular posts in Bodo Medium LP Schools are hereby added to the numbers of posts already published in advertisement-A (LP School) vide no. EAA/SIU/125/2018/22 Dated 11/03/2018. All these posts are reserved for the candidates who have passed the teacher eligibility test (TET) for LPS by selecting Bodo as language-I. The district-wise vacancies (outside the 6th scheduled area) are shown below.

     DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    The upper age limit is hereby revised up-to 44 years in respect of general/ unreserved Candidates, 47 in respect of OBC/MOBC candidates, and 49 years in respect of SC/ST and “Persons with Disability” candidates as on 01/01/2018 in respect of both advertisement A & B. the relaxation shall be applicable only to those candidates who have attained the necessary education or other qualification prior to crossing of existing upper age limit of 38 years. There will be no provision for age condonation.

    DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    In conformity with the notification vide No. EEG.32/2016/12 dated 21st May 2018 of finance (Esstt.-A) Department, Govt. of Assam, no application fee is required to be paid for the regular teachers.
    The Central TET qualified candidates will also be eligible to participate in the recruitment process for the regular teachers of LP & UP schools.
    The candidates having qualified the TET for LPS and Graduation with at least 50% marks and the bachelor of education (B.Ed.) can also apply for the post of regular teacher in LP school but the person so appointed by the NCTE will in two years of such appointment as a regular teacher. This is in conformity with the Notification No. NCTE-Regl. 012/16/2018 Dated 28/06/2018 of the NCTE.

    DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    The interested candidates who have not yet applied for the regular posts of teachers of LP and UP school the said advertisements may apply through the official website of the DEE, Assam, i.e. www.dee.assam.gov.in which will be open again from the 30th October 2018 till the midnight of 21st November 2018.
    The candidates who have already applied successfully against the advertisement A & B as mentioned above need not apply again, but the candidates will be able to modify their education of professional qualification (DEIEd/ Bed etc.) by entering their registration number.

     DEEA Director of Elementary Education, Assam Notification for Apply Date Extended

    All other terms and conditions mentioned in the earlier Advertisement-A and Advertisement-B will remain the same.

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