• Breaking News

    Monday, July 3, 2017

    District of Kamrup Assam Home Guards Division Opening New Jobs 2017 – Home Guards Volunteer Post:

    District of Kamrup Assam Home Guards Division Opening New Jobs 2017 – Home Guards Volunteer Post:
    Applications are hereby invited from the intending Home Guards volunteer of Kamrup District (Kamrup Rural and Kamrup Metro) for engagement with various Agencies in Kamrup District. Eligibility and other condition applicable for Home Guards volunteer are as per rules laid down in Assam Home Guards (Amendment) Rules, 2015.

    Name of post: Home Guards Volunteer

    Total No. of Vacancy: 160 (One hundred and sixty)

    Age Limit: 55 years maximum (Fifty-five years most), (preferably below 35 (Thirty-five) years)

    Educational Qualification: 
    1. Minimum class VIII Pass.
    2. Home Guards volunteer certificate from Kamrup District. (Mandatory willingness certificate obtained in 2015 - 16 from the competent authority for a period of three years) as per Assam Home Guards (Amendment) Rules 2015

    Desirable Qualification:
    1. Driving license Holder.
    2. Computer proficiency certificate.
    3. Extracurricular activity certificate if any.
    4. Any skill development certificate.

    Salary/Scale of Pay (Wages):
    1. Rs.235/- per day for Basic trained Home Guards volunteer.
    2. Rs250/- per day for Advance trained Home Guards volunteer.
    Note: The above-mentioned wages are fixed and additional perks may be given by different agencies subject to fulfillment of performance and skill of the volunteer.

    Important Notes (Kamrup (M) Assam Home Guards Recruitment):
    (A) Home guards volunteer will be shortlisted on the basis of first come first serve for the above mentioned tentative vacant post. The final list of the candidate will be prepared based on the period of volunteers whose services are not utilized for more than one year, character and antecedent, overall fitness, smartness and turnout of Home Guards volunteers. No TA/DA will be admissible.
    (B) The job of Assam Home Guards volunteer is purely voluntary in nature and no volunteer can claim any appointment/ engagement under regular Govt. Establishment by virtue of his/her performance as a Home Guard Volunteer during his/her deployment tenure. Hence volunteers are advised not to come under the influence of any false propaganda in relation to their engagement and thereby discourage and disown any touts who may be trying to do so.
    (C) No Home Guards volunteers’ candidate any terms regarding the choice of deployment post. All the valid order of deployment from the competent authority are to be strictly followed and disciplinary action will be initially for not compliance of such order.

    Kamrup (M) Assam Home Guards Recruitment - Important Dates:
    (I) Beginning date for submission of application: 01.07.2017.
    (II) Last date for submission of application: 31.07.2017.

    O/o District office Commandant, Home Guards, Kamrup - Assam

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